
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Purple Plum Fairy's Mini-Giveaway from Fashion Blendz

Some people had asked me, why the monicker "Purple Plum Fairy"? Well, aside from the obvious--I love the color Purple, my real name was coined by Irish satirist and poet, Jonathan Swift which depicts a butterfly. Since butterfly had wings, I figured, I'd rather use fairy. But people still ask me, is there such a thing as purple plum? The answer is YES. Here's what I've recently learned.
The Purple Plum Fairy Tree.

Latin name: Prunus cerasifera 
Purple leaf plum is a small deciduous tree commonly planted for its deep reddish-purple leaves and white/pale pink flowers that are among the first to appear in spring. Although it is short lived, it is fast growing and great for use as a specimen or shade tree.
I do not mean that my blog is short lived though, hopefully not. But I liked the fact that it's the first one to appear in spring. It shows a lot of hope and inspires people in the same manner that I'd want my blog to (somehow in my own little way) touch the lives of my readers or followers. The Purple Plum Fairy page on Facebook had recently shot up to almost a hundred likers, it was something I had not expected, not even in dreams. So I'd have to say that from the bottom of my heart (or is that hypothalamus?), I am really grateful for that. 
Sharing is one thing I've always liked to do because there's a different sense of fulfillment within each time you give. Honestly, had I been well-off, I would probably be a philanthropist. Going back to the sharing thing and giving back, as I have posted on our Facebook page last week, Purple Plum Fairy and our generous partner, Fashion Blendz had decided to have a mini-giveaway for our readers and followers. It's our way of thanking all the people who have liked us and followed Purple Plum Fairy, Security Blanket and even the not so active Soulful Travels (sorry guys, I'll try to make it up soon.) It's time to spread some pixie dusts...
Here's what you might just win. Your very own Fashion Blendz clothing and/or accessory from this collection. We'll be giving two items each for three lucky winners. That wasn't bad, right? 

Here's the contest mechanics: 
1. Follow Purple Plum Fairy on Google Friend Connect and Networked Blogs.
2.    Subscribe to Email feeds (Please see the Feedburner widget and Please don’t unsubscribe after the contest)
3. Like Purple Plum Fairy page and Fashion Blendz fan page on Facebook (PLEASE do not Unlike after the contest. DON’T forget to comment on Purple Plum Fairy Wall)
4.    Include Purple Plum Fairy on your blog roll.(Please don't delete even after the contest) 
5. Comment on this blog post with your answer to the question: "How do you share your blessings?" (Please don't forget to include your name and email address after your answer.)

All 5 steps are mandatory. Failure to do so will not make you eligible to win. 

Don't worry though, I can assure you, there are more freebies to come your way. Next month, the Fairy will have some special pixie dusts to share for Mommies out there and their little ones. It promises to be something else since it's my birthday month. But for now, we hope everyone will participate in our mini giveaway.

Contest ends on August 31,2011 at 12 mn. Contest is open to Philippine residents only. All winners will be notified through emails on details how they will get their prizes.

Purple Plum Fairy thanks our generous sponsor, Fashion Blendz. You can find them on Multiply and Facebook. 

For more info on Fashion Blendz and for orders, please check out 
LIKE them on their Facebook fan page:
Email them at:

You may also call Ms. Joanne at 0905.402-2611

Good Luck to everyone,


  1. Joining sis!
    1. am a follower of Purple Plum Fairy on Google Friend Connect and Networked Blogs.
    2. Subscriber via Email - vixenp33atgmaildotcom
    3. old liker of Purple Plum Fairy page and liked Fashion Blendz fan page on Facebook
    4. I have Purple Plum Fairy on my blog roll here:
    5. I share my blessing by hosting a giveaway of my own down at my son's blog:

    thanks :)

  2. 1. Follower of your blog gfc and networkedblogs.
    2. email feed sub:
    3. liked both page on fb
    4. linked you back (blogroll sidebar)
    5. How do you share your blessings? Through mentoring, when I share my knowledge to my students. When I see a need and take action to it immediately. More here:

    Hope to win! :)

  3. nyeh pano ako vance.. e ayaw nga di ba ng step 1 due to some technical reasons that i don't quite understand hehe :) ANyway, goodluck na nga lang sa contest mo tsaka wala pala pan lalaki hehehe di ko naman masusuot yan hahaha :) MORE POWER TO YOUR BLOG VANCE! -rain

  4. Joining!

    1. GFC and networkedblogs follower
    2. email subscriber: giay0422(at)yahoo(dot)com
    3. FB fan of Purple Plum Fairy and Fashion Blendz: Gigi Celemin-Beleno
    4. your button here:
    5. I share my blessings through giving: I love joining online contests and usually share my winnings to my family and friends, and they love and like me for that, of course!

    Regina C. Beleno

  5. Joining here! ^_^

    1. Followed Purple Plum Fairy on GFC and NB
    2. Subscribed and confirmed (leciram071407 at hotmail dot com)
    3. Liked Purple Plum Fairy page and Fashion Blendz
    4. Include Purple Plum Fairy on your blog roll.(
    5. How do you share your blessings? - I'm planning to host a giveaway in the next coming months and I also provide tutorials to newbie bloggers.

    Name: Maricel Tan
    Email: leciram071407 at hotmail dot com

  6. 1. following both! :)
    a. gfc: gessa marie
    b. networkblogs: Gessa Marie Bartolaba Condino

    2. subscribed via email:

    3. liked both page:
    Gessa Marie Bartolaba Condino
    and post some love in your page:

    4. added your blog in my blog roll:

    5. I so share my blessings by doing some contest alert in facebook. hahah and i do share my blessing to others specially those less fortunate ones. :) giving them food particularly to those who cant afford to eat thrice a day.. and give them some clothes too.. :)

    hoping to win! :)

  7. Im joining!

    1. followed you:)
    GFC: Agnes DC
    NB: Agnes Dc
    2. via email:
    3. both liked : purple plum fairy page + fashion blendz rolled :)
    5. I share my blessings to my friends... anything i got in excess i gave it to them. it will return in folds.
    thanks for sharing!:)

    Agnes Dela Cruz

  8. #1 Been a long-time follower thru Google Friend Connect :)
    and new follower of Networked Blogs.
    #2 Subscribe & confirmed to Email feeds via
    #3 An old Liker here for Purple Plum Fairy page and a new Fashion Blendz fan page on Facebook.
    #4 Long time you've been on my blogroll and food roll. :)
    #5 Sharing a blessing could either be volatile or non-volatile, for material stuff, anything in excess at home, we share it thru family, relatives and friends. Sharing experiences and knowledge that you think would appear beneficial is an act of god will, c'mon Vance :) I've share a lot on this "ehem" lol
    Swivel your wand godmother fairy! More power! :)

  9. I forget my name and email :)
    Daryll Dial-Villena

  10. I joined sis.

    1. Followed Purple Plum Fairy on GFC and Networked blogs - Divine Reyes (Divine Caraecle)

    2. Subscribed to email feeds -

    3. Liked Purple Plum Fairy page and Fashion Blendz fan page on Facebook - Divine Caraecle

    4. Included Purple Plum Fairy on my blogroll -

    5. I share my blessings by giving out a share of my salary in an adapt-a-child project I am involved with.

    Divine Caraecle

  11. Hi, I'm also joining your giveaway :)

    1. Followed Purple Plum Fairy on Google Friend Connect- username: Kayce

    and Networked Blogs - Karen Chayne Sanchez

    2. Subscribed to Email feeds -

    3. Liked Purple Plum Fairy page and left comment.

    4. Included Purple Plum Fairy on my blog roll. - at my blog's side bar

    5. How do you share your blessings?

    I always share my blessings for our church ministry. We do have lots of activities such as campus crusade, youth fellowship and children's Sunday school and we usually give them snacks. :)

    Karen Chayne Sanchez
    kayeshayne21 at yahoo dot com

    hoping to win!


  12. Joining your giveaway :)

    1. Followed Purple Plum Fairy via GFC: aida

    and Networked Blogs - Aida Villanueva

    2. Subscribed to Email feeds -

    3. Liked Purple Plum Fairy page and left comment.

    4. Included Purple Plum Fairy on my blog roll:

    5. How do you share your blessings?

    For me, just being nice to everybody. When you've been blessed with love and joy, you need to share that with others by always being nice. I know a lot of people think that sharing your blessing is by giving money, but that's not what it's all about. Sure if you can afford it, giving to good causes is wonderful, but just flashing a smile can make somebody's day.

    Aida Villanueva


  13. Joining! :)

    1. Followed Purple Plum Fairy on GFC (as Dothy) and NB (as Dorothy Ababon)

    2. Subscribed and confirmed (dorothy dot ababon at yahoo dot com)

    3. Liked Purple Plum Fairy page and Fashion Blendz (

    4. Included Purple Plum Fairy on my blog roll.(

    5. How do you share your blessings? - I share my blessings to our household helpers. I just don't give them their salary but treat them like one of the family.

    Dorothy Ababon
    dorothy dot ababon at yahoo dot com

  14. 1. Following already!
    Purple Plum Fairy on GFC: Leizle
    Networked Blogs: Leizle Demaisip
    2. Subscribe to Email feeds:
    3. Liked Purple Plum Fairy page and Fashion Blendz on FB: Leizle Demaisip
    4. Included Purple Plum Fairy on my blog roll:
    5. "How do you share your blessings?"
    Too much is not good =), that's why it's good to share your blessings to others especially those in need. Every year i always clean our closet and collect all clothes & toys that we're not using anymore and donate it to less fortunate.

    Leizle Demaisip

  15. 1. Follow you thru GFC: Mei Santiago
    Networked Blogs: Mei Santiago

    2. Already subscribe:

    3. Already like Purple Plum Fairy and Fashion Blendz fanpage

    4. Included in my blog roll :

    5. "How do you share your blessings?"
    For almost 1 year and 1/2 I was blessed with many things from smallest to biggest material and financial means. Because of that, last March, I started my own giveaway every month to give thanks and to show my love to all my readers in one of my blog.

    Mei S. Santiago

  16. 1. Followed Purple Plum Fairy on GFC {Elinor Semira} and Networked Blogs {Dolphee N Elinor Semira}
    2. Subscribed to Email feeds: elinorsemira0124[at]gmail[dot]com
    3. Liked Purple Plum Fairy page & Fashion Blendz fan page on Facebook {Dolphee N Elinor Semira}
    4. Included Purple Plum Fairy on my blog roll {}
    5. I share my blessings by (1) giving my extra things to others; (2) giving out good
    thoughts, experiences & knowledge to other people

    Elinor Semira

  17. Hi, Purple Plum Fairy I can't post on your wall.
    Instead, I posted it on my wall, here's the link:!/dolpheenelinor.semira/posts/268921683121542

    I hope this will be okay! Thanks! ^_^

  18. Hi, Purple Plum Fairy I can now post on your wall! ^_^

  19. Joining again and hope to win once more weeee

    1. follower of both
    a. gfc: cielo
    b. networkblogs: Amor Cielo Brown Pinay (thru FB)

    2. subscribed via email:

    3. Liked Purple Plum Fairy page and Fashion Blendz (

    4. added your blog in my blog roll:

    5. I share my blessings by having a charity work together with my officemates, we would usually go to street children shelter to share some blessings and love. It has been an annual tradition

  20. Thank you for joining Fashion Blendz & Purple Plum Fairy's contest. Winners will be notified through emails and announced on Purple Plum Fairy's Facebook page & Twitter. Upon receiving the notification, may we request that you respond within 48 hours so that we can facilitate the delivery to the correct address. Thank you.
